Nathan Jesson

Staff Leadership

Nathan Jesson, Executive Director
651-222-8737 (office)

Nathan Jesson is the Executive Director of MICA. Contact Nathan regarding general association matters, as well as for policy issues related to state budget and finance, state tax policies impacting counties, property taxes, transportation taxes, and general government issues.

Nathan has spent over a decade working at the capitol and is known for his in-depth expertise on tax and local government issues. He takes pride in his understanding of complex subjects and his ability to work toward legislative solutions.

Prior to joining MICA Nathan worked at the Minnesota Department of Revenue, House of Representatives, and League of Minnesota Cities. He earned his masters in public service from the Clinton School at the University of Arkansas and his bachelor's degree from Hendrix College.



Legislative Team

Nathan Jesson, Executive Director
email  651-222-8737 (office)

Contact Nathan regarding general association matters, as well as for policy issues related to state budget and finance, state tax policies impacting counties, property taxes, transportation taxes, environment, and general government issues. 

Nancy Silesky, 
Health & Human Services Liaison

email 612-747-7242 (cell) 612-291-1900 (office)

Nancy is the human services and public health liaison for MICA, which often involves matters within the purview of the state Department of Human Services and Department of Health, as well as related issues in the areas of housing, child protection and courts. In this role she covers all related budget and policy issues.

Nancy is a lobbyist and is President of Summit Government Affairs Consulting. She has been practicing for over thirty years in various areas of advocacy on health and human services.  She provides MICA direct client representation, legislative analysis, and project coordination and management.


Amber Backhaus, Transportation Liaison


Amber is the transportation liaison for MICA, which includes budget and policy issues around roads and bridges, land use and right of way, transportation-related bonding, taxes and fees, and related water and wetland issues. 

Amber Backhaus joined United Strategies in November 2023 as the Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs and brings nearly three decades of Capitol experience on transportation issues to the firm. Before joining United Strategies, Amber served a decade as Vice President of Public Affairs for the Minnesota Automobile Dealers Association (MADA), where she successfully passed numerous pieces of legislation on behalf of the industry. Amber’s credibility and grasp of the issues earned her appointments on administrative and legislative task forces, including the Governor’s Connected and Automated Vehicle Advisory Council and the Vehicle Registration Task Force.


Rachel Sosnowchik, Environment Liaison

email 402-651-0238 (cell)

Rachel is the MICA liaison for environment policy. This portfolio includes issues such as waste management (including recycling, waste to energy, wood waste), invasive species, and groundwater issues.
Through years in the nonprofit world, Rachel is no stranger to navigating finance and policy complexities. As a lobbyist, Rachel brings a broad range of expertise to the team — including developing legislative strategy, planning listening sessions and events with lawmakers, managing coalitions, crafting effective messaging, and of course, developing meaningful relationships with lawmakers. Rachel places a high value on being a subject matter expert on the issues she’s championing, lending her curiosity and intellect to all Goff Public clients.